Tahta untuk Rakyat: Celah-Celah Kehidupan Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX is a biographical book that chronicles the life and achievements of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, the ruler of Yogyakarta Sultanate and the vice president of Indonesia. The book is written by Mohamad Roem, a prominent politician and diplomat who was closely associated with the Sultan, and two other co-authors. The book was published in 2011 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
The book covers various aspects of the Sultan's personal and political journey, from his birth in 1912 to his death in 1988. The book reveals the Sultan's role in the struggle for Indonesia's independence, his decision to join the Republic of Indonesia and relinquish his absolute monarchy, his contribution to the development of Yogyakarta as a special region with cultural and historical significance, and his legacy as a respected and beloved leader of his people. The book also explores the Sultan's interests and hobbies, such as sports, music, and art, as well as his family and personal relationships.
The book is divided into 15 chapters, each focusing on a different theme or period of the Sultan's life. The book is richly illustrated with photographs, documents, and maps that enhance the reader's understanding and appreciation of the historical context and the Sultan's personality. The book also includes an index and a bibliography for further reference.
The book's writing style is clear, engaging, and informative. The authors use a combination of narrative, descriptive, and analytical techniques to present the facts and opinions about the Sultan and his era. The book is well-researched and based on various sources, such as interviews, memoirs, archives, and newspapers. The book also provides some insights and perspectives from the authors themselves, who have witnessed or participated in some of the events and issues discussed in the book.
The book's overall impact is positive and inspiring. The book portrays the Sultan as a visionary, a patriot, a democrat, and a humanist, who dedicated his life and throne for the sake of his nation and his people. The book also shows the Sultan's humility, generosity, and wisdom, as well as his challenges, dilemmas, and controversies. The book celebrates the Sultan's achievements and honors his memory, while also acknowledging his limitations and shortcomings.
The book's themes, messages, and literary techniques are relevant and meaningful for the readers, especially those who are interested in Indonesian history, politics, and culture. The book explores the themes of nationalism, democracy, leadership, culture, and identity, among others. The book conveys the message that the Sultan was a remarkable and influential figure who shaped the course of Indonesian history and left a lasting legacy for his successors and his people. The book also uses various literary techniques, such as anecdotes, quotations, comparisons, and contrasts, to illustrate and emphasize the points and arguments made by the authors.
The book's pacing, structure, and readability are satisfactory and appropriate for the genre and the audience. The book's pacing is balanced and consistent, neither too fast nor too slow, and follows a chronological order that makes it easy to follow the Sultan's life story. The book's structure is logical and coherent, with clear transitions and connections between the chapters and the sections. The book's readability is high, with simple and straightforward language, short and concise sentences, and accurate and precise information.
In conclusion, Tahta untuk Rakyat: Celah-Celah Kehidupan Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX is a well-written, well-researched, and well-presented book that provides a comprehensive and captivating account of the Sultan's life and achievements. The book is informative, insightful, and inspiring, and offers a valuable and unique perspective on Indonesian history and culture. The book is suitable and recommended for anyone who wants to learn more about the Sultan and his era, or who simply enjoys reading a good biography.
Ramadhan telah tiba. Sejak menginjakan kaki di airport Sepinggan enam bulan yang lalu, wekker- ku seolah-olah berputar sangat cepat. Tiba-tiba saja..,. ujug-ujug sudah memasuki bulan Ramadhan. Ngerti-ngerti wes poso. Puasa tahun pertama di Balikpapan... ........... ☘️......... Ahmad Yani Airport. Akhir September 2023. Flight- ku masih satu jam lagi. Setengah mengantuk aku menuju ke toilet bandara. Cuci muka.. .................. Terasa sangat berbeda. Beberapa tahun lalu, sekitar lima atau enam tahun lalu saat aku masih wira-wiri Semarang - Jakarta (aku lupa tahun berapa aku terakhir naik pesawat), saat itu airport ini masih belum selesai. Di sana-sini interiorrnya masih under construction . Tapi yang jelas bandara baru ini sudah dioperasikan untuk melayani penerbangan sipil, menggantikan bandara lama yang terletak di sampingnya. Koridor dari tempat check-in menuju ruang tunggu penumpang masih polos. Bersih. Membosankan. Hanya saja, yen ora keliru , waktu ...
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